Formerly known as "Cruzers in Korea"

Friday, July 8, 2011

Flashback Friday - CJ and Jena

Friday, July 8, 2011
So after a week of vacation in Miami, we surprised CJ with a stowaway visitor.  Jena would be driving back to Tennessee with us so she could hang out with us in Memphis, go down to the lake house in Alabama and also celebrate the 4th of July in the country with Carol's family.  Or as my brother Beanie put it, experience bonus happiness.

So in honor of the extra Jena time, here's this week's submission for Flashback Friday:

 CJ and Jena at about a year old.  Back then it was all about the Teletubbies.

Jena and CJ four days ago at the big 4th of July celebration in Alabama.  Now it's all about Axe shampoo, Old Spice Swagger body wash, animals, Bass Pro Shops and technology.  One big difference between the two is one is crazy about fishing and the other lives off of air.  Other than that, they're two peas in a pod.  They've been known to talk on the phone for hours on end.

As great as our experience was in Korea, it really is nice to be around family again.


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