Formerly known as "Cruzers in Korea"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Getting Settled In...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Long time no blog.  Been crazy busy with work and settling in to the new digs.  So here's a quick stroll through our new neighborhood in Lakeland, Tennessee.

The house is great and the neighbors are awesome.

Our street

Lots of open space in our backyard.  We all missed having a yard while in Korea.  While on the train from Busan to Seoul during a weekend trip, Jake said, "Ah, grass.  I miss grass," as he saw a big patch of the green stuff out his window.  I'm actually looking forward to mowing the lawn.

The sidewalk chalk has been a lifesaver.  The first thing Jake asks when he gets up in the morning is if he can play with the chalk outside.

Since we don't have our household goods yet, we've been doing the air mattress thing for a while now.  I'm usually pretty good with these things but lately, it's been killing my back and shoulder.  I know I sound like an old man but dang.  Not sure how good of an Army soldier I would've made, sleeping on the ground all the time.   

Check me out using my Leatherman to open up these tuna cans.  Gotta do what you gotta do when you don't have your stuff.  I pounded my chest afterwards like I just wrestled a bear.  Sign me up for Survivor now.

The little guy's gotta have his internet.  Dang we're spoiled.

Fishing with the boys at the pond right around the corner.  CJ and Jake both caught something.  I got skunked.  I did lose a $6 lure though.

CJ and Jake making fast friends with the neighborhood kids.

So the last couple of weeks have been crazy with traveling, visiting with friends, living in hotels, air mattresses, the new job and family drama.  Korea seems like eons ago.  We're definitely missing our good friends in the Land of the Morning Calm but we're excited about our new adventure in Honky Tonk.  More to follow.  Hope everyone out there is doing great.



Hi Cruzer and Carol, I LOVE the house. It is HUGE! I tell Ryan that we just may have to live in Virginia for a duty station just so we can get more for our money. Although, I wouldn't want to clean it. I feel the same way about Peru. It seem so far away and we just left a month ago. Hugs to all.


Chris - welcome home! I hear Tennesseans (I may have just made up that term) are a really kind and friendly bunch. Life must be so different from Pusan. May you settle in quickly to your happy new home!

The Cruzers

Robin - So are you and Ryan experiencing any reverse culture shock? Hope you guys are doing well.

The Cruzers

Julia - Thanks for the welcome! And yes, Tennesseans are very friendly. If you're ever in our neck of the woods, please come on by!

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